BOLOGNESE rAGOUT - the original recipe of Ragù
Bolognese ragout recipe - the real sense of ragout
The word ragù comes most probably from the French ragout and in Italy it serves as a meat-based (but also fish) seasoning for pasta but also used for vegetables or meat pies. It is obtained through the prolonged cooking of various ingredients of which the meat is the main one, and is spread throughout Italy in various variants and interpretations, among which the most important are the Bolognese and the Neapolitan ragu. It is, however, the first, Bolognese, the most widely known in the world, often used in non-Italian gastronomic culture, too, to cook different pasta or fancy pies but also far from the reference tradition.
- beef map gr. 300
- bacon exuding gr. 150
- yellow carrot gr. 50
- celery coastline gr. 50
- onion gr. 50
- spoons of tomato sauce 5
- or triple extract 20 gr.
- white or red wine: half a glass
- whole milk: 1 glass
Tools Required:
- terracotta pot diameter about 20 cm.
- wooden spoon
- crescent knife
- the pancetta melted in nuts and minced with crescent;
- add the finely chopped vegetables with the crescent and let it soften;
- add the minced meat and leave it, scrambling until it sizzles;
- put 1/2 glass of wine and the tomato elongated with little broth and let it simmer for about 2 hours by adding milk to the vault and adjusting salt and black pepper;
optional but it is advisable to add 1 liter of wholemeal cooking cream after cooking.
The real Bolognese recipe for making a perfect ragout to match Tagliatelle , Lasagne or to use with other types of pasta
Bolognese ragout recipe - the real sense of ragout
The word ragù comes most probably from the French ragout and in Italy it serves as a meat-based (but also fish) seasoning for pasta but also used for vegetables or meat pies. It is obtained through the prolonged cooking of various ingredients of which the meat is the main one, and is spread throughout Italy in various variants and interpretations, among which the most important are the Bolognese and the Neapolitan ragu. It is, however, the first, Bolognese, the most widely known in the world, often used in non-Italian gastronomic culture, too, to cook different pasta or fancy pies but also far from the reference tradition.
- beef map gr. 300
- bacon exuding gr. 150
- yellow carrot gr. 50
- celery coastline gr. 50
- onion gr. 50
- spoons of tomato sauce 5
- or triple extract 20 gr.
- white or red wine: half a glass
- whole milk: 1 glass
Tools Required:
- terracotta pot diameter about 20 cm.
- wooden spoon
- crescent knife
- the pancetta melted in nuts and minced with crescent;
- add the finely chopped vegetables with the crescent and let it soften;
- add the minced meat and leave it, scrambling until it sizzles;
- put 1/2 glass of wine and the tomato elongated with little broth and let it simmer for about 2 hours by adding milk to the vault and adjusting salt and black pepper;
optional but it is advisable to add 1 liter of wholemeal cooking cream after cooking.
The real Bolognese recipe for making a perfect ragout to match Tagliatelle , Lasagne or to use with other types of pasta è gestito dall'Associazione
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